Art Embraces Words and Art Embraces Poetry are made possible thanks to a generous grant from the Community Foundation of Lafayette!

Special thanks to the following individuals and organizations for their generous support:
- Amphora Nueva, Lafayette
- Bill Carmel
- California Writers Club, Mt. Diablo Branch
- Cameron Burks, Lafayette City Council
- Desired-Effect
- Diablo Foods Lafayette
- Diablo Writers' Workshop
- Lafayette Garden Club
- Lafayette Library and Learning Center
- Lafayette Library and Learning Center Foundation
- Lafayette Public Art Committee
- Lamorinda Arts Alliance
- Lamorinda Weekly
- Lamorinda Wine Growers Association
- Lynn Carey
- Montelindo Garden Club
- Orchard Nursery, Lafayette
- Orinda Starlight Village Players
- Sarah McDonnell of McDonnell's Nursery Orinda
- Shelby's Restaurant, Orinda
- Trader Joe's, Lafayette
- Tutu's Food & Drink, Lafayette

See Art Embraces Words and former LAC President Denise Nomura featured in this video tribute to the Community Foundation of Lafayette 2020 donors. Thank you to the CFL for your continued support!