Art Embraces Poetry


Poets paint images with words; Artists tell stories with color; together they enrich our community!

ART EMBRACES POETRY | 3 Saturdays in 2025...

Saturday, March 8th | Girls + Women Influencers: Women's History Month

Lamorinda Arts Council seeks poets whose work speaks to our theme: Girls + Women Influencers: Women's History Month. Apply to read at our upcoming event on Sat. March 8, 1:30 PM at Town Hall Theatre by clicking "Poets Apply" above. Featured artist Ellen Reintjes will speak about paintings of her mother spanning 70 years. We will also have a no-topic Open Mic from 2:30-3:30 PMĀ following the presentation.

Saturday, April 5th | National Poetry Month

Saturday, August 23rd

Town Hall Theatre Company: 3535 School Street, Lafayette, CA 94549

Please email to be included in the event information and Calls for Artists & Poets.

2024 Artists and Poets included: Senait Mesfin-Piccigallo (poet), PeaceDancer Khalilah Ramirez, Dorothy "Dot" Edwards (poet), Bushra Gil (artist), Ophelia Turner (poet), Avery Burns (poet), Lori Lynne Armstrong (poet), Al Garrontto (poet), Salman Ansari (poet), Michael Robinson (painter), Gail Entrekin (poet), Jim Gunshinan (poet), Linda Riebel (poet), Emily Jingzhu Bennett (artist).

Click here to view videos of some of our past "Art Embraces..." events.

Questions? Contact us here.

Our literary programming, including Art Embraces Poetry, is made possible by a generous grant from the Community Foundation of Lafayette.