Welcome to Artify Orinda!
What does it mean to Artify?
Artify Orinda is the idea of Maggie Boscoe, a longtime Orinda resident and co-curator of the Lamorinda Art Council's Art Gallery at the Orinda Library. The program utilizes the talents of local professional artists to paint decorative images portraying the flora and fauna of the S.F. Bay Area that are used to transform unsightly utility boxes, trash and recycling bins, and privately owned business structures with blank walls into bright spots of color and interest around town. We call this Artify Orinda!
What does Artification look like?
The next time you are in downtown Orinda, on either the Theatre or Village side of Highway 24, we invite you to take a look around for our nine completed projects.
See details and location of each project HERE.
Artists are asked to include visible and hidden pollinators in their artwork. Young students will be asked to find them on future art walks guided by LAC curators.
What's Next?
Working in cooperation with the City of Orinda and the Orinda Planning Department, we will continue to install decorative images on utility boxes, buildings, and waste receptacles on both the Orinda Theatre Square side and the Village Square side of town. Acrylic paint will be used with final coats of graffiti-proof varnish and hardener to keep the murals from fading in the sun.
We are pursuing funding sources to help underwrite these projects so that artists are paid a reasonable rate for their design and completed murals. Individual and corporate sponsors who donate $500 or more will receive recognition on an Artify Orinda artwork plaque.
Questions? Want to get involved? Contact artify@lamorindaarts.org.