Welcome to the Lamorinda Arts Council's Arts Connect Forum. Use this space to communicate with Artists and Arts supporters throughout the Lamorinda community.
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*You must be 18 or older to post to this forum. All messages made available as part of this discussion group and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of Lamorinda Arts Council (unless Lamorinda Arts Council is specifically identified as the author of the message). Lamorinda Arts Council does not endorse the messages posted here, or in any way verify the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. Please use appropriate and respectful language when posting. Lamorinda Arts Council reserves the right to remove objectionable content at it's discretion. We encourage visitors to the forum to report any objectionable message to info@lamorindaarts.org.