Arts in Bloom Raffle Pre-Purchase


Purchase your Arts in Bloom Raffle tickets in advance today!

$10 for 1 ticket; $20 for 3

SKU: artsinbloomraffle Category:


Purchase your Arts in Bloom Raffle tickets in advance today!

$10 for 1 ticket; $20 for 3

You'll have a chance to win this exciting Arts Raffle Package including:

Art of Mixology tickets

Lamorinda ShortDocs tickets

Family Subscription for 4 to Town Hall Theater Gift

$100 Gift Certificate to Joy in Motion

Two Tickets to Pacific Chamber Orchestra

Lamorinda's Performing Academy Gift Certificate

Ukulele Kit from Lamorinda Music

More items may be added before drawing

You DO need to attend the Arts in Bloom festival to pick up and fill out your actual raffle tickets, but you do not need to be present at the time of drawing to win, provided your name and phone number is clearly printed on your raffle ticket.

Additional information

Number of Tickets

Single Ticket, Three for $20